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BestGTA Online delivery vehicle for Nightclub sales

The GTA Online Nightclub business is one of the best ways to earn money passively. It produces goods in the background and pumps out more if other businesses are owned. It is not wholly passive, though, as gamers do need to do sales missions.

The sale can be carried out via any one out of three vehicles. The Nightclub comes with a default vehicle, i.e., the Speedo Custom. Users do have a choice to buy two more sale vehicles: the Mules Custom and Pounder Custom.

A lot separates these vehicles, though.

Which are the Nightclub delivery vehicles in GTA Online?

3) Speedo Custom

The Speedo Custom is already stored in the garage once gamers buy a Nightclub. It will not be modified, though, and they will need to spend money to do that.

Players can use the Speedo Custom to sell 0-90 units of products. Nightclub sales always have a single vehicle, so a secondary sales mission has to be launched if the warehouse has more than 90 units.

When customizing the vehicle, GTA Online users can equip the Speedo Custom with a heavy plate of armor (completely transforms the van), regular performance upgrades, paints, liveries, windows, etc.

Additionally, they can also add weapons to the truck. These include mounted machine guns, remote 0.50 cal, or a remote minigun. Proximity mines can also be added.

The Speedo Custom can tank about 8 RPGs during Nightclub sales missions. However, in Freemode, all these vehicles are a shot kill (explosives). During sell goods missions, all three vehicles gain immunity from missile lock-on.

2) Mule Custom

The Mule Custom is the second vehicle that gamers can use for Nightclub sales missions. It has to be purchased separately, though.

Warstock Cache and Carry gives out the stock version for $95K and a trade price of $72K. The latter can be unlocked by completing five sell goods missions. The Mule Custom can be used to sell 91-180 goods at once.

Customizing the Mule Custom is pretty similar to the Speedo Custom. The only difference is that the former can be equipped with three weapons: a proximity mine dropper and a secondary remote grenade launcher. The primary slot can be either a machine gun or missiles.

The missiles on the Mule Custom are not homing, and it has the same defensive features as the Speedo Custom.

1) Pounder Custom

The Pounder Custom is the largest land sale vehicle in GTA Online, and gamers can grab it for $320K or a trade price of $241K from Warstock Cache and Carry. The relevant upgrades will cost about $977K.

The Pounder Custom can seat eight players, unlike the Speedo and Mule, which can only accommodate four. The Pounder can be used to sell 181-360 units of stock.

Customizations for this mammoth are pretty much the same apart from the weapons category. This vehicle also gets proximity mines and a grenade launcher, but the primary weapons offer mounted miniguns, mounted missiles, or a mounted missile battery.

The battery can rapid-fire four missiles pretty accurately and quickly. They are non-tracking, though.

Which is the best Nightclub delivery vehicle in GTA Online?

GTA Online games looking to seriously grind money can benefit from this (Image via GTA WiKi)

The Mule Custom wins the bout of best Nightclub delivery vehicle very narrowly. Speed was never in contention as it can hold very little cargo. The Pounder lost out to the Mule because:

  • The Mule is faster and handles better.
  • The Pounder paints a giant target that is easier to hit.
  • The Pounder can get stuck under too many spots throughout the map (especially if the SAM launcher is equipped).
  • Money grinders can make more money per hour with the Mule.

Note: The article reflects the author's opinion.

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