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Black Clover manga to go on a break due to Tabata's personalaffairs

With the spoilers for Black Clover chapter 363 out, the manga also revealed that it will be going on a break next week. Assuming fans may get worried about the mangaka Yuki Tabata's health after the news surfaced, he informed them through his weekly comments that his upcoming break is due to personal affairs at home.

Yuki Tabata's Black Clover follows the story of Asta, a boy with no magic, living in a magical world. Fortunately, he received the powers of anti-magic, which helped him begin his journey to become the Clover Kingdom's Wizard King. Since then, he has worked hard to gather merit, which could hopefully help him realize his dream.

Black Clover mangaka goes on break to take care of his wife

As announced in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, the Black Clover manga will be going on a break this week. This means that there will be no chapter from the manga in issue #31. Instead, Black Clover chapter 364 will be released in the magazine's issue #32 on Monday, July 3, 2023.

When the manga was released last week, mangaka Yuki Tabata revealed through his weekly author comments that his wife was rushed to the hospital for surgery. He mentioned that during this time, his mother-in-law arrived in Tokyo, and the duo had a big fight with a kindergartener (presumably his daughter).

Following that, the mangaka has given an update about his wife again in this week's comments. As per the new comment, Yuki Tabata's wife got discharged from the hospital. However, she is not in perfect condition and the mangaka has taken over the tasks she usually performs. Thus, mangaka Yuki Tabata has gone on break to take care of his wife.

Considering that the mangaka has not spoken about any complications regarding his wife's condition, it can be presumed that the break will only be one week long.

How fans reacted to the news

Fans were glad that Yuki Tabata's wife had been discharged and had finally begun her recovery. They were sure that the mangaka will take good care of his family. They took to social media to wish Tabata's wife a quick recovery and hoped that Tabata, who was ill a few weeks ago would remain healthy.

Fans were also amused by the way the mangaka described his situation as he always tends to leave them with some mystery. They have been wanting to know much more about the fight against the kindergartener from last week's comment, and how Tabata is managing his duties as a caretaker.

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