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Did Justin Theroux freak out on some fans after they mentioned his thinning hair?


If you ever want to see a man’s vanity, just say something about their hairline. Even the most IDGAF men worry about losing their hair. I think most women don’t really give a crap though. If a man loses his hair, most of us are like, “You should just shave it. Patrick Stewart is sexy. Bruce Willis is hot.” But men still worry. And when they really obsess about it, then we get stuff like Donald Trump’s sad hair situation.

And we also get whatever is happening to Justin Theroux. I remember back when Justin and Jennifer first got together, there were photos of Justin with his BFF Terry Richardson (yep) and I first noticed Justin’s small bald spot, which he tried to hide with hair dye and comb-back. Since then, Theroux has undergone a makeover (which I believe involves eyebrow waxing, nicer watches and guyliner) and mysteriously, his bald spot has rarely been seen since. But The Enquirer says that Justin is still concerned and that he freaked out recently when approached by some fans.

Justin Theroux always looks meticulously well-groomed, but now he’s obsessing over that post-40 affliction most males finally face – a balding spot in the back and a widow’s peak in the front! Said a friend of the couple: “Jennifer’s told him she couldn’t give a hoot – pointing out that he looks like Daniel Day-Lewis, who’s also got thinning hair, and girls think he’s gorgeous. Justin accepts it, but he can be a bit sensitive about it.”

Said the source: “He was exiting a gym in West Hollywood when two men approached, said they were fans and asked him to pose for a photo – but once it was clicked, one guy handed Justin a card that ID’d him as the manager of a hair restoration clinic, and told him they could beef up his thinning locks. Justin went NUTS, barking: ‘You pretend to want a picture so you can hustle me? Pretty devious, man!’”

[From The Enquirer, print edition]

The thing is, I’m almost positive that Justin has already been to a hair restoration clinic. He didn’t get anything major, and it’s not like he’s out there, wigleting into the night like John Travolta. But Justin’s small bald spot (circa 2011) was quietly “fixed” at some point. Like Ben Affleck’s hair too. Plugs, I guess?

Here’s a photo of his bald spot in 2011:


Photos courtesy of WENN, PCN.
