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Night lady of Mexico revealed as netizens express shock

Various videos talking about the Night Lady of Mexico are now making rounds on the internet, sending shivers down the spine of netizens who are hearing the story on social media. Many are also uploading videos claiming that the mysterious Night Lady of Mexico was first seen in Chihuahua, back in 2009.

Several online theories are also claiming that a woman around the area used to climb up the wall and hide on rooftops, only to appear at night and take away kids from their rooms. This was supported by a dozen pictures of kids who disappeared from the area over the course of a few years.

Furthermore, a few netizens also claimed that there was this one instance when parents saved their child, but the Night Lady had managed to escape. As per @realkhalilu on Instagram, this is the only time a child could escape from her. The kid reportedly opened his eyes only to find the mysterious woman standing in front of him.

Another image of the Night Lady also went viral, as many claimed that a teenager spotted her standing on one of the roofs, much to the shock of netizens. One social media user also commented on the same, writing:

Social media users reacted to the mysterious woman's video and pictures: Reactions and details explored. (Image via Instagram)

Reactions explored as video and images of the Night Lady in Mexico go viral

Despite wide-spread speculation about the lady in question, the police or the authorities have not yet released a statement about the theories or the woman.

A picture of the lady is also going viral, which as per the claims of the netizens, was sketched by the police on the basis of information and details furnished by the parents of the missing kids and people who have seen the suspicious woman.

A number of people are also comparing this story to the Serbian dancing lady, which was also a viral video of a woman who was reportedly found dancing on the streets of Serbia every night. Serbians believe that the viral video dates back to 2019, when the woman was seen and captured in Belgrade.

Theories have been heard about the woman threatening people with a knife and also hurting them.

While there has been no official statement on the matter of the Night Lady, that has not stopped netizens from talking about it on social media.

Social media users reacted to the mysterious woman's video and pictures: Reactions and details explored. (Image via Instagram)
Social media users reacted to the mysterious woman's video and pictures: Reactions and details explored. (Image via Instagram)
Social media users reacted to the mysterious woman's video and pictures: Reactions and details explored. (Image via Instagram)

While there has been no proof of the existence of the Night Lady in Mexico, or the Serbian dancing lady, social media users are falling prey to the news and a few are even believing the theories without waiting for official confirmation.

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