Enter GCF or LCM numbers:Determine GCF(35,28)
GCF = Largest factor that divides numbers
Determine the factors for 351,5,7
Determine the factors for 281,2,4,7,14,28
List the common factors1,7
GCF(35,28) = 7
GCF(35,28) = 7
Evaluate GCFSince GCF ≠ 1, they are not relatively prime (co-prime)
Since GCF ≠ 1 and have a difference of two, the numbers are not twin prime
What is the Answer? How does the Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple Calculator work? Read More...
Crosswords with Friends August 18 2019 I'm not ___ to take your call General knowledge plays a crucial role in solving crosswords, especially the I'm not ___ to take your call crossword clue which has appeared on August 18 2019 Crosswords with Friends puzzle. The answer we have shared for I'm not ___ to take your call has a total of 4 letters but also has other possible answers listed below the main one. Read More...
Jay Rock has been on hiatus for some time now, but the TDE rapper is back on his grind and gearing up to release his first album in five years.
The Los Angeles native sat down with Bootleg Kev during BET Weekend on Saturday (June 24) and gave fans an update on the project. He also explained the delay – noting that not only did the pandemic slow things down, but quality music takes time! Read More...