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Rapper Latto disses NBA players trying to date her sister Brooklyn Nikole in her XXL Cypher Lab appe

Atlanta-based rapper Latto put NBA players on blast in her recent XXL Cypher Lab as she mentioned in her freestyle that stars are trying to date her sister. Brooklyn Nikole, her sister, has gotten attention from a few stars in the league, but the rapper didn't divulge any names.

Latto was part of an all-female cipher recently. Together with Flo Milli, Monaleo, Maiya The Don and Mello Buckzz, the rappers took turns showing off their talents on the microphone.

The Grammy-nominated artist started strong with her verses as she took over the final spot. Her final bar was the nail in the coffin as she called out NBA stars for trying to date her sister.

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While she didn't mention names, many have pointed to Memphis Grizzlies star Ja Morant as the target in her freestyle. It hasn't been confirmed by the star whether he's in a relationship with Nicole, but the two have been linked together.

Latto was nominated at the Grammy Awards for Best New Artist early this year. She collaborated with BTS' Jungkook on his debut solo song "Seven," which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Recently, she was put on the cover of Forbes' 30 Under 30 after making it on the list. The rapper talked about her rap career and how it has shaped her.

You might also be interested in reading this: "Christmas present coming early" - Gilbert Arenas speculates Ja Morant plotting home game comeback to dodge drama

YouTuber was surprised to find out about Latto's sister and Morant

YouTuber Kai Cenat had drawn interest in Latto's sister recently. He went live and went through the pictures of Nicole. The content creator expressed interest in the rapper's sister after seeing her pictures. Viewers of his livestream quickly informed him about her, telling him that Morant had been linked to her.

There hasn't been a statement from either party, but many have reportedly spotted them together in public on more than one occasion. Rumors about the couple started late in 2022, but there isn't any solid evidence that Morant and Nikole are romantically involved.

Brooklyn is the older sister of Latto and is a successful model. According to sources, she represents Select Models, an agency based in Atlanta. She also has a huge following on social media, garnering around 656,000 followers on Instagram. The model also has a business of her own, called Beauty By Brooklyn.

On X (formerly Twitter), she has 38,200 followers and has an active fanbase.

Also read: Watch: Ja Morant spotted grooving at Rod Wave concert during his NBA suspension period for gun incident

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