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Stepmother Forces Girl to Cut Her Hair, Gets Dragged by Internet

A woman on Reddit shared that she forced her stepdaughter to cut her long hair and folks are ripping her a new one. Details here.

Tatayana Yomary - Author

Most folks would agree that they are particular with the way they style their manes — from long and curly locks to short, spiky cuts and everything in between.

Now, apply that belief to a child.

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We all know that children tend to have strong opinions about their hairstyling choices. As such, deciding how your child’s hair will be styled comes with finesse and mutual understanding.

So, it’s no surprise that a stepmother on Reddit is being called everything but a child of God after forcing her stepdaughter to cut her long hair. Here’s the full story.

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A Reddit user shared that she forced her stepdaughter to cut her long hair due to being tired of styling it in the mornings.

Cardi B once asked: What was the reason?

And we believe the question applies in this shocking post. On Reddit’s “Am I the A—---” (AITA) forum, a user shared that she forced her 11-year-old stepdaughter to cut her long hair after she grew tired of styling it before the child attends school.

“She has incredibly long blonde wavy hair, just past her bottom,” this stepmother shared. “It’s a nightmare to take care of. It frequently tangles and she always needs help brushing and styling it before school. I’m not a morning person and I do not like having to wake up early to do a kid's hair.”

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The stepmother said that her stepdaughter fancies specific products that frequently run out due to her frequent use. The 11-year-old also prefers using wide-tooth combs to manage her hair — which is custom for curly-haired folks — but makes the styling process longer.

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“She won’t use a regular brush on it as she insists it breaks her hair and hurts so she uses a wide-tooth comb which takes a long time to brush when she could be doing other more productive things such as homework or helping me with chores,” the stepmother shared.

The stepmom also said that she noticed her stepdaughter has become obsessed with her hair. So after growing tired of styling her hair, the stepmom decided to have a hairstylist cut the child's hair.

“I don’t see it as a big deal as I have always had shoulder length hair as my hair does not grow very fast and I get frequent trims,” the stepmother shared. “It’s a lot more practical.”

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The stepmother noted that on the drive to the hair salon, her stepdaughter said she wanted to make sure that the stylist didn't cut off too much hair. But the stepmother explained to the child that she wanted to cut her hair because it “has become a burden.”

The 11-year-old initially thought she was joking, then realized the stepmother was serious. The young girl cried during the service, even though she was left with locks that fall a bit past shoulder length.

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After returning home, the child went straight to her room. Once the stepmother’s husband got home and spoke with his daughter, things quickly went left.

“When he got home he apparently found her on her bed sobbing holding her old hair,” the stepmom said. “My husband immediately called her mother to come and collect her and as soon as my stepdaughter was out the door, he started yelling. Her mother also came in and gave me a mouthful.”

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Making matters worse, the husband said that he no longer trusts the stepmother around his daughter and that he “doesn’t know if he can be with a woman who he doesn’t trust with her.”

She said that she didn’t mean any harm and was heartbroken by the conclusion of events before asking, “AITA?”

Reddit users are aligned with the belief that the stepmother was out of line for forcing her stepdaughter to get a haircut.

Ain’t nothing worse than a tongue-lashing from strangers on the internet. Reddit users believe that the stepmother truly doesn’t care about the stepchild and simply made the move to get her hair cut for personal benefit.

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“YTA YTA YTA YTFA. How DARE you cut her hair and take away her autonomy just because you have decided she is vain? What the absolute h---. I am seriously at a loss for words that you even have to ask whether or not this was an a------ thing to do. Shame on you, seriously,” one person commented.

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“Wait wait wait... You're really coming to ask this? You know full, good, and well that YTA here. You took someone’s child and unilaterally decided you wanted them to have the hairstyle of YOUR liking. I'm sorry but that's such a crock of entitled b-------. You deserve everything that's coming to you for this. I wouldn't be surprised to see divorce papers in your future. You crossed so many lines here it's unreal,” another person chimed in.

Truth be told, there is no way for the stepmom to get around this. She could have simply consulted with her husband and her stepdaughter’s mother so they could all find a suitable solution.

