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Where Was Netflix's 'Marianne' Filmed? Details on the Location

'Marianne' is Netflix's latest French-language horror series that is equal parts terrifying and hilarious. But viewers are wondering where the fictional village of Elden is located. Keep reading to find out.

Netflix's latest French-language horror series, Marianne, tells the story of a famous writer, Emma Larsimon, who finds that the characters she builds and plot lines she writes are actually unfolding in the real world.

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"This malevolent spirit named Marianne draws her home and insists she continues writing... or else," reads the chilling synopsis.

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So, where was Netflix's Marianne filmed?

According to series creator Samuel Bodin, he didn't especially want to shoot in Brittany when he set out to make Marianne. "That area was one that best resembled what I had imagined: gray and wet, by the water with a lighthouse," he said to Ouest France in French.

And while some scenes of Marianne are recognizably filmed in Paris (Les Éditions Mügen was filmed in Paris' Guimet Museum), it's mainly the charming ports and grayness of Brittany's northwestern location that viewers are wondering about. So if you want to plan your next trip to France based on where Marianne takes place, here are a couple of spots you should put on your list.

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Elden is actually the Doëlan port, located in Clohars-Carnoët.

While it goes by the name of Elden in Marianne, you can find the port the series is shot out of at Doëlan, which is a small harbor town within Clohars-Carnoët. 

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And while Elden's motto is "You'll be back," Doëlan's is "A port of two halves," which is much lighter and less ominous, according to Brittany's tourism website. It's a beautiful fishing port tucked into an estuary, and both of the "halves" its tagline refers to are the Doëlan Rive Gauche and Rive Droite, aka Left and Right Banks, like in Paris.

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Visit Doëlan and you're going to want to try your hand at fishing. There's delectable fresh fish that you can eat off of local fishing boats, and there's also plenty of shellfish you'll find if you head to the nearby Vivier.

Pléneuf-Val-André and La Croix de La Grange

Many of the beach shots in Marianne are filmed in Pléneuf-Val-André, another area within northwestern France's region of Brittany. 

But the very recognizable cross where Episode 2's sunset scene takes place is shot at La Croix de La Grange, where one can overlook the Atlantic Ocean from a beautiful bench.

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Chapelle Sainte-Anne de Doëlan

According to Atlas of Wonders, the church where Priest Xavier holds his masses is the Chapel of St. Anne of Doëlan. 

This chapel was built in 1951 and is located very close to Doëlan's famous fishing port. And while several families tried their best to preserve the chapel, it ultimately became municipal property following some "painful" debacles, in 2008.

As such, the chapel has now turned a new, secular page. As a Doëlan environmental blog states, it now offers a peaceful dwelling for anyone who finds themselves walking past the church, since the 2008 turnaround, and is now more of a cultural ground than a religious one.

Check out all of these beautiful French locations when you stream Marianne on Netflix today.
