published on in gacor

Woman lied about Casey Aldridge affair for the money

TMZ says that they have a source that says that 19 year-old Casey Aldridge didn’t cheat on his fiance Jamie Lynn Spears with that 28 year-old woman who is featured tongue kissing him on the cover of the latest In Touch. The photo was supposedly taken before he was with Jamie Lynn. The woman’s claim that she was with Casey as recently as March when Jamie Lynn was six months pregnant is also said to be false. Casey’s accuser is supposedly doing it for the money and infamy that come along with the tabloid coverage:

Casey Aldridge is hotter than fish grease.

Our sources connected with Casey and Co. say he’s ballistic at reports that he had an affair while Jamie Lynn was six months pregnant.

As for the picture of Casey with Kelli Dawson (the Sienna Miller of the South), he claims it was taken before he even hooked up with J.L.

Casey has called the Spears clan to vent and they believe his story.

And Casey has a point … where he lives, there are just a bunch of one horse towns, so everybody knows everyone else’s business.

Casey says it’s all about Southern Sienna trying to make a buck.

[From TMZ]

You can see this random older chick claiming to have a thing with Casey just to get some notoriety and cash from a tabloid. On the other hand, people are willing to believe Casey was cheating on Jamie Lynn because he’s just 19 years old and no one expects him to settle down at this age. There have been rumors that he’s been fooling around on her for some time. Whether they’re true or not we may never know, but when this woman came out of the woodwork everyone believed the worst. The story was “confirmed” by Britney’s first 55 hour husband, Jason Alexander, who also needs some cash and whatever publicity he can still squeeze out of his brush with Britney.

OK! reports that Jamie Lynn and Casey are planning a fall wedding to take place in the backyard of their new home in Liberty, Mississippi. OK! said the same thing about a fall backyard wedding for Jennifer Aniston, so it’s possible that story is false. Jamie Lynn seems to have be taking her role as a new mom seriously. She’ll be responsible for that little girl for quite a while, she doesn’t need to get tied down into a marriage at the age of 17. Many people think that Casey, 19, and Jamie Lynn, 17, shouldn’t get married at their age even though they have a two month-old baby. They’re not though to be mature enough and they haven’t had enough life experiences. Other young couples have made it work though and stuck together through the hard times.

If this “Casey cheating” story is fake, hopefully that older woman trying to get some mileage out of her past relationship with Casey will be exposed as a fake. Unfortunately once these stories are out the accused gets branded a cheater and has to live with the rumors, which get much more coverage and attention than the corrections to the story.

Header photo credit: In Touch Weekly. Photo below of Jamie Lynn and Casey is from 4/4/08 and was taken on her 17th birthday. Credit: Fame Pictures
